14 August 2011

The Dirt

Finally something to post! It has been a long cold rainy winter. No veggie gardening and no sewing to speak of, so nothing to blog about for a while. I usually post pretty gardening pics but today it's just the dirt.  While the sun was shining I weeded, added blood and bone and sowed a very late (but not too late) green manure crop of mustard seed. So here's my blank canvas for next season, with the asparagus coming up in the narrow patch under the clothesline!
Weeded, mostly cleared, levelled and mustard seed sown .I left some leeks in the front, Marigolds in the back and Salad Burnett and garlic on the edges.

Asparagus coming up in the front, Artichoke behind it, some Strawberries and a rogue Spinach towards the back. Otherwise lovely dirt! This is a really unattractive back yard this time of year as you can tell from my neighbor's bins and carport to the left,  Hills Hoist to the right. I pulled out the last of the broccoli in this patch and am having that for dinner tonight - yum!

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